

I paint what I see, what I feel, what I imagine. Sometimes I create my own subjective world to paint from, a universe in which the spectator can participate and which he can interpret.

When I paint a tangible, objective reality, I do so from a deep admiration of it, as it is from this viewpoint that I can come close to the intangible. When I am in front of a canvas my only recognizable support is learning.

In life I feel like a nomad. I need change, improvisation, I abhor habit and monotony. I have become very analytical in my painting, almost mathematical. I organize each line, space, color and shape into a sequence of harmonious relationships. I am neither a methodical nor a spontaneous painter; every achievement comes about through hard work and rigorous self criticism.

I am not committed to any style of expression, but rather to the search for a pictorial quality which will be universal in aesthetics, psychology and spirituality.

On the canvas I let my own experiences guide me in the quest for an almost religious view of life.

Light is the fundamental binder and the vehicle in my work. Achieving the quality of light I want has forced me to develop a complex technique which is both labor intensive and difficult to accomplish. After so many years of work I still find myself on this quest. I have had some successes and some failures but I have learned from both.

– Miguel Ángel Argüello

On the canvas
I let my own experiences guide me in the quest for an almost religious view of life.